Franchise Resources

Your source for franchising insights

Bio-One Discovery Day

We want to thank Team Bio One for hosting the Discovery Day event today for all the participants, including our two brother candidates, Matthew and Michael Inzeo.

This franchise offers crime clean-up services and is a low-cost investment, approved for SBA funding.

This is a very relevant brand to explore and owned by the Princeton Private Equity Group. Good luck gentlemen!

About the author

Sue Bennett

Sue has always enjoyed serving others in her various roles as a business owner and employee. Her broad business background includes experience in the financial services, insurance and real estate industries. She also authored a book, Jumpstart Your Life, 401 Ideas to a Winning Attitude, and inspired hundreds of individuals with her upbeat messages. Sue has spent her lifetime pursuing her dreams, but more importantly, she’s committed her time and knowledge to encourage others to become successful business owners.

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