To break down a large goal into manageable tasks is necessary to be able to confidently complete any project. It is no different for finding a franchise business that meets your goals. We’ve broken down the process of buying a franchise into 3 simple steps: Exploration, Evaluation and Execution. This is our proven, E3 Process.
These steps can further be divided into sub parts. The following breakdown shows the typical path toward franchise ownership.
Exploration: Explore Your Goals
Analyze Lifestyle Needs
Analyze Business Goals
Analyze current financial position and future goals
Help Determine Type of Business
Evaluation: Evaluate Your Options
Research Applicable Franchises
Obtain Franchise Packet and FDD
Speak in-depth with Franchisors
Interview Existing Franchisees
Second Interview with Franchise
Consult with Attorney and Accountant
Visit Franchise Headquarters
Execution: Execute Your Plan
Enter Into A Franchise Agreement
Obtain Real Estate
Franchise Initial Training
Complete Construction
In-Store Training
Open For Business
On-Going Support
We’ve developed our proven E3 process of franchise due diligence to simplify and expedite the entire process. Contact one of our FranFinders expert Franchise Consultants today for your free franchise consultation.