Wouldn’t it be great to have a business that makes you jump out of bed in the morning and excited to get to work? An enterprise that not only meets a need in the market but also satisfies your deep desires and bring fulfillment? It’s possible. You just need to find your passion and connect a business idea to it.
First finding your passion. It’s easier than you think, if you’re willing to do the work. Yes, it takes work, but it’s not difficult, it is just hard to do. Any time you have to reflect and look inside, you’ll tend to resist.
To uncover your passion, ask yourself this question: “What do you enjoy doing with your free time?”
Sometimes, what we do with our “down time” can be an indicator of what gives us the greatest joy, fulfillment. If the hours fly by while reading, playing sports, golfing, knitting, cooking, listening to music, volunteering or traveling. Then you might have the seed to what is your passion. Take the time to find the answer to the above question. Listen to your inner voice. You know the answer, but sometimes fear will hold you back.
The next step is to connect a business with your passion. Determining a potentially successful business that connects your passion takes a little more creativity. You’ll have to use what you know along with researching new ideas.
To connect your passion with a business, brainstorm and research ideas.
Now that you have a feeling for you passion, you need to brainstorm to determine what business might connect to that passion. Start by making a list of all the businesses that you know relate. For instance, if your passion is working with kids, make of list of obvious child-related businesses. Child care, after school care, gymnastics, clothing consignment, tutoring, birthday parties, etc. Now take the list and select the top three ideas. Now you’ll need to research each idea to see if it fits your goals.
Researching can be conducted using internet tools or by contacting those you know who currently run similar businesses. Find out what it takes to start and to profitably operate the business. Interview and ask questions. The owners will hear your passion in your voice and be helpful to assist.
Once you have uncovered your passion, brainstormed and researched your business, you now need to take the leap and move ahead. Start the business. If the business is a franchise, the help of a franchise consultant can save you time.